Creatures -Ambidextrous Mirror and/or Continuous line

4. Creatures Ambidextrous Mirror &/or Continuous line BW & COL drawings with ‘Colour Inversed’ (Dark) mirror variations.

4.1B_Tiki-Bird & Duckies – Light/Dark (COL)
4.1C_Tiki-Monster & Pirate-Duckies – Light/Dark (COL)

4.1A_Tiki-Bird & Duckies_Tiki-Monster & Pirate-Duckies (BW/Greyscale)

(H: 420mm x W: 297mm) x2 each
= (H: 840mm x W: 594mm per Totems) x3 combos
$80 each or $170 each combo or
$1120 as a complete TOTEM series.

4.3A_Elephants-Lions Trio – Light/Dark (COL)
4.3B_Pond Confab – Inca Cow Deity – Light/Dark (COL)
(H: 420mm x W: 297mm) x2 each = H: 840mm x W: 594mm combo.
$75 each or $160 combo.

4.2A_Canyon & Citadel Deity – Light/Dark (COL)
Demon Trees Grove & Trees Grove – Light/Dark (COL)
Capt N Foxy & Foxy N Capt – Light/Dark (COL)
(W: 420mm x H: 297mm) x2 each
= W: 840mm x H: 594mm combos
$80 each or $170 combo or $350 as a complete PANORAMA series.





.4A_Elemental Dragons-Air & Fire &
Elemental Dragons-Earth & Water – Light/Dark (COL)
4.4B_Three-in-One & One-of-Three – Light/Dark (COL)
(W: 420mm x H: 297mm) x2 each
= W: 840mm x H: 594mm combos
$85 each or $180 combo or $370 as a complete Light & Dark series.


NOTE: All printed paper works to sell are 200gsm A3 size (420mm X 297mm)
in various A3 size combinations colour-fast & smudge free.
All original Coloured & Black/White paper works are drawn on 80-100gsm
A3 size (420mm X 297mm)

Prints are available, price negotiable. The artworks can be combined as a suite of either two LIGHT Coloured OR two DARK Coloured plus two Black/White drawings OR brought individually in any combination, across the artworks.

Please contact Alyx 0403 790 577 or if interested.


Print orders can be made via the bar



By Alyx Guid


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