Jett Barton

 I'm an Indigenous (Igorot), non-binary, neurodivergent, independent game developer, interactive space designer, performance artist, and sound designer. My primary focus lies in intuitive ways to create works that are holistically empowered by one's intersections; I do this by combining knowledges and ontologies from my Indigenous Studies and Interactivity/Game Design degrees to develop highly accessible means for intersectional artists to creatively express themselves through innovative technologies such as artificial intelligences and cross-medium/media solutions. As a sound designer, I focus on accessibility for all manner of artists (of any skill level), and have acquired dozens of ways to create and record audio (and visuals) through MIDI (i.e voice [dubler], movement [kinect], via fruits/organics [playtronica etc.]) and smartphone based apps [koala], or through toys such as MIDI saxophones, circuit bent kids pianos, haptic feedback vests, and electric kazoos. Within the context of an age of hyperconnectivity parried by digital and geographic isolation, I seek highly collaborative means to inspire stories and experiences that encourage people to connect to their identity, community, space (both physical and digital), and cultural continuity. Ultimately, my intention is to empower old ideas with new technologies!


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