Dinos Apocalypse aka TerraFaunaNation


My Dino collection is used as a metaphor for Humans and vice versa. Just like the demise of Dinosaurs, Humankind can and will be the next Apex dominant species to be extinct if they don’t take heed of the environment!?

Likewise, our Earth will turn upon humans with exponentially more dangerous natural disasters if they don’t address their impact on climate-change and weather systems.

Similarly, humans are threatened by wars over resources, trade and ideo[idiot]logies. As populations increase while water and food supplies dwindle, the catastrophic global event that lead to the devastating 5th extinction event (sixty-five million years ago) will occur again; such as when meteorites fell, volcanoes erupted, and dust-ridden skies belched which brought unbreathable air ending in the Dinosaurs’ species extinction.

is an astro-turfed hilled diorama where different Dinosaur species are arranged in either friendly or antagonistic crowded tableaus.

People are encouraged to interact, play together, and rearrange them _ but please treat the Dinos gently and leave them here in the Gallery, as we cannot guarantee your safety if taken home or elsewhere …!

Alyx’s artworks hope to stop people getting turned off or tuned out from the doomy predictions of climate-change by their novel slapstick and humorous presentation.

By Alyx Guidi  and Paul Venables + Jdam (tech assistant)


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